Jerry 03/01/2023

I was having to take naps almost daily, had no energy from not sleeping well. I have been taking Modalert for over a year and have had no side effects. When I drive a long distance it keeps me alert but I have no problem getting to sleep.

Aros 14/10/2021

These guys are legit. I’ve ordered twice so far and about to order again. The shipping is pretty dang fast, offered me good discount too.

Yakita 29/09/2021

Modalert 200 worked great for me, at first, to be alert and increase productivity.

Todds 24/09/2021

“It really helps my exhaustion caused from MS. You have to find the right dosage that works for you; I discovered 200mg of Modalert keeps me moving and accomplishing tasks all day—very productive

Rodes 16/09/2021

“I've been taking Modalert 200mg daily for about 2 months now and it really helps me not feel tired during the day. I'm able to do more and feel the need to take naps and sleep 16 hours less. Before I take Modafinil in the morning, I feel quite tired and like I wanna go back to sleep for a long time, but once I take it, I'm better able to stay awake and more alert for longer periods of time. It usually wears off before I go to sleep too which is great and then I'm tired enough that I just fall right asleep at the end of the day

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