Can ED come back after treatment?

Can ED come back after treatment

Many cases, yes, Erectile Dysfunction Can come back after treatment. Researchers found a 29% 5-year remission rate in a study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine. Even though ED cannot be cured, the right prescription may help alleviate or even eliminate its symptoms.

ED is usually treated with medication or surgery, and it’s possible to treat the root problem and alleviate symptoms without using the medicine. The best treatment for one person may be quite different for another.

Some individuals aren’t good candidates when it comes to standard therapies like surgery and medicine. Penile pumps, which force blood into the penis and cause an erection, may be helpful for these men.

Methods for reversing ED are classified into three types:

Short-term therapies

These aid in the attainment or maintenance of erections but do not treat the underlying cause of ED. Sildenafil (Viagra), for example, improves blood flow to the penis, which can provide temporary relief from ED. It may aid in the erection of men who have diabetes and atherosclerosis.

Addressing the root problem

Primary therapies target the underlying cause of ED. If blocked arteries are to blame, taking medication or exercising more regularly can help improve cardiovascular health. This could lead to the end of ED or a decrease in the number of times it happens.

Psychological therapies

  • ED may have a psychological aetiology, and the disorder itself may create anxiety. Psychological therapy can help people feel less anxious, feel better about themselves, and get along better with their sexual partners.
  • The adjustments might also increase the probability that further treatments would be beneficial.
  • Some guys discover that acute sex anxiety inhibits some therapies from functioning. Addressing this anxiety can help to enhance overall outcomes.

The Best Ways to Get Rid of ED 

  • To rule out any underlying health issues, see a doctor. Diabetes-related nerve damage, cardiovascular illness, or a neurological condition manifest as ED.
  • Even though the cause of ED is physical, the disorder might have psychological consequences. Erections may be more difficult if you’re feeling self-conscious or anxious because of it.
  • As a result, a therapy strategy may combine physical and psychological treatments.

ED can be reversed using a variety of therapies. These are some examples:

Changes in lifestyle

  • A healthy diet and exercise may help alleviate many health issues that can lead to ED, such as diabetes and clogged arteries. Talk to your doctor about your options if you have underlying health issues.
  • Lifestyle changes can help you enhance your erectile function. According to the research, roughly one-third of Australian males aged 35 to 80 suffer erectile issues, according to a trusted source.
  • These issues improved spontaneously in 29% of the males, indicating that controllable variables, such as lifestyle, were blamed for the ED reversal. 


  • Exercising to increase blood flow Changing nutrition may assist people with diabetes, or cardiovascular disease lose weight to decrease blood pressure and improve cholesterol and testosterone levels.
  • Physical activity, particularly when accompanied by a balanced diet, has increased erectile function.
  • The pelvic floor muscles assist males in urinating and ejaculating. Erectile function may be improved by strengthening these muscles. A comprehensive 2010 analysis discovered that pelvic floor exercises might help diabetic men get and sustain erections. Talk to your doctor about pelvic floor physical therapy to determine which activities will help you the most.
  • Poor cardiovascular health impairs your body’s capacity to transport the blood required for erections. In a 2004 study, Trusted Source, researchers followed male participants for 25 years. The researchers discovered that risk factors for heart disease indicated which men were most likely to get ED in the future. 

Many studies have found a strong link between the four main risk factors for heart disease and ED:

  • Smoking: ED can be avoided by not smoking or stopping if you do.
  • Alcohol: Reduce your alcohol intake. Heavy drinkers are more likely to develop ED.
  • Weight: According to one study, reducing weight helped enhance erectile function in almost one-third of the research participants of overweight males with ED.

If you avoid these risk factors, you may be able to improve your erectile function and get rid of ED.

Increase testosterone levels.

Taking actions to combat low testosterone levels, the male sex hormone, can enhance erectile health. To naturally boost testosterone levels, do the following:

Weight loss, stress reduction, and exercise

  • Can also enhance your heart health, which may help alleviate your ED symptoms. Here are some additional scientifically proven techniques to naturally boost your testosterone levels.

Get a Good Sleep

  • Sleep deprivation has a significant influence on sexual performance.
  • According to studies, men with sleep apnea, or disrupted breathing at night, increased their erectile performance after using a CPAP breathing machine at night.

Increase your sexual frequency.

  • Sex on a regular or frequent basis might help you boost your overall performance.
  • According to one study, men who had intercourse less than once a week were twice as likely to develop ED as men who had intercourse at least once a week.

Psychological factors

  • ED can be caused by psychological issues such as performance anxiety.
  • Addressing the psychological causes of ED can aid in its reversal.
  • Relationship issues, anxiety, and despair are at the top of the list.

Healthy Relationships

  • Whether you use ED drugs or not, erections adequate for sex are determined by arousal and desire.
  • In an intimate relationship, strife and unhappiness can negatively influence libido, arousal, and erectile function.
  • Counselling for relationships is an option.

Address mental health issues

  • Anxiety, stress, and sadness can all contribute to ED. In a short study, 31 males newly diagnosed with ED were given either Vidalista (Cialis) alone or tadalafil together with an eight-week stress management program.
  • The group that did the stress management program got better at getting and keeping an erection than the group that just took tadalafil.
  • Meditation, yoga, and exercise all help to alleviate stress and anxiety. You may also choose to consult with a therapist who can assist you in dealing with anxiety and despair.
  • Medication can also assist with anxiety and sadness, but certain drugs might interfere with sexual function.

Couples’ treatment or counselling

  • Self-esteem might suffer due to ED, and it may be tough to discuss, yet the problem is widespread. It is important to recognize and talk about ED, especially if it makes you sad or anxious.
  • Individual therapy might help in determining the root cause of an issue. A psychologist or psychiatrist can assist a person in managing their anxiety and resolving concerns, thus eliminating ED and preventing it from reoccurring.
  • Counselling for couples can help sexual partners talk about their feelings and find healthy, helpful ways to talk about ED.


  • A wide range of drugs can be used to treat ED. Most people are familiar with drugs like Cialis and Viagra, which increase blood flow to the penis and make it easier to get an erection.
  • These can be useful when the cause of ED is physical and when the cause is unknown or connected to worry.
  • If an underlying illness, like diabetes, is causing ED, treating that condition will often fix the problem or stop it from getting worse.

Some medical reasons for ED are difficult to treat, such as:

  • A lack of blood flow ED is caused in certain people by restricted arteries to the pelvic region, and this is because the spongy tissues in the penis that cause an erection need enough blood flow to grow when they are stimulated.
  • Damage to the nerves Even meticulous “nerve sparing” surgery will not completely prevent ED in men who have had their prostate glands removed due to malignancy. Even with progressive improvement following surgery, many men require ED drugs to have sex.
  • Parkinson’s disease (PD). Up to 70% of men with Parkinson’s disease suffer from ED and reduced libido, premature or delayed ejaculation and inability to have orgasms.
  • Peyronie’s syndrome produces excessive penile curvature, making intercourse unpleasant or difficult.
  • ED drugs like Cenforce, Fildena, (and Sildenafil) can help men who have ED because of a medical problem, but they can’t make the ED go away or cure it.


Some people are frustrated with ED. It is critical to remember that the illness is curable.

ED is frequent and can typically be remedied by treating the underlying cause with natural treatments or pharmaceuticals.

Early intervention can often detect a significant medical issue, and diagnosing the source of ED early may improve the chances of reversal. Consult a doctor about the best course of action.